La prima si perdona, la seconda si bastona

Via Pirata musicale avvisato, mezzo salvato: basta cause di massa contro la pirateria, parola della potente industria musicale americana, la RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), che ha deciso di abbandonare le (costose) cause legali contro gli utenti del web che hanno scaricato brani musicali. La nuova strategia sarà basata soprattutto sulla collaborazione con … Leggi tutto

Muxtape ha dei problemini con la RIAA

Via blog.Wired The popular mix sharing site Muxtape has been taken offline so that administrators can “sort out a problem with the RIAA,” according to a note that appears on the site. “For the past several months, we have communicated concerns to Muxtape on behalf of our members,” said an RIAA spokesman via email (6:28pm … Leggi tutto

Tracking the trackers

Via NYT A new study from the University of Washington suggests that media industry trade groups are using flawed tactics in their investigations of users who violate copyrights on peer-to-peer file sharing networks. Those trade groups, including the Motion Picture Association of America (M.P.A.A.) Entertainment Software Association (E.S.A.) and Recording Industry Association of America (R.I.A.A.), … Leggi tutto