Grameen Ebay

eBay ha lanciato MicroPlace una piattaforma che permette di investire denaro in microcredito nei paesi in via di sviluppo. E’ una iniziativa che sembra molto simile alla Grameen Bank del Nobel Mohammad Junus.

MicroPlace’s mission is to help alleviate global poverty by enabling everyday people to make investments in the world’s working poor.

Our idea is simple. Microfinance institutions around the world have discovered an effective way to help the world’s working poor lift themselves out of poverty. These organizations need capital to expand and reach more of the working poor. At the same time, millions of everyday people here in the United States are looking for ways to make investments that yield a financial return while making a positive impact on the world. MicroPlace simply connects investors with microfinance institutions looking for funds.

The result: more microfinance in the world, satisfied investors, and above all, fewer people living in poverty

1 commento su “Grameen Ebay”

  1. Microplace è un’iniziativa che non conoscevo, potenzialmente interessantissima. Solo mi viene in mente che non c’è modo di verificare che effettivamente gli investimenti siano nell’ambito di progetti rivolti alle fasce più povere.

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