Citazioni web: istruzioni per l’uso

Anche per ricordare ai giornali on-line italiani di citare le fonti: le nuove “editorial guidelines for credit and attribution” di AP

In the age of the Web, the sourcing and reliability of information has become ever more crucial. So it is more important than ever that we be consistent and transparent in our handling of information that originated elsewhere than our own reporting. Therefore, here is our policy for crediting other news organizations in our reporting. This policy is aimed at introducing consistency to our practices around the world, and applies to our print, broadcast and online news reports.

The policy addresses two kinds of situations:
— Attributing to other organizations information that we haven’t independently reported.
— Giving credit to another organization that broke a story first, even when we match it — or advance it — through our own reporting. Attributing facts we haven’t gathered or confirmed on our own:

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