Storie di uragani e web ovvero what happens when a hurricane hits the web

Dal blog di Cloudflare

Our network is designed to survive hurricanes and other natural disasters, so we were confident even if some of our data centers that were in the hurricane’s path failed, traffic would immediately be transferred to the next closest facility. That said, our preference is always that all our data centers remain online and able to continue to serve traffic.

Yesterday morning our ops team met to plan for the potential loss of our facilities in Newark, NJ, which we refer to by the airport code EWR, and potentially Ashburn, VA, which we refer to by the airport code IAD. Our equipment is located in an Equinix facility in both locations and we confirmed that they had taken steps to ensure their systems were tested and as hurricane-ready as they could be.

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Turin Cloud Camp il 2 dicembre

Via Torino Valley blog Il primo Cloud Camp torinese si svolgerà nel pomeriggio del 2 dicembre all’Enviroment Park di Torino e si focalizzerà sulla gestione di grandi quantità di dati all’interno di infrastrutture Cloud Computing.? Molti gli interrogativi ed i temi da proporre ed affrontare nella ormai classica modalità del Barcamp.? Interverrà, come ospite, Reuven … Leggi tutto