Un mondo senza Google

Via Technologizer Ten years ago today, Google’s filing for incorporation as a business was accepted. It’s far from the only date one might choose to mark the company’s tenth birthday–and as I write this, I don’t see any celebrating going on at Google’s home page or corporate blog–but many Googlewatchers are doing their ruminating on … Leggi tutto

Il browser invisibile

I prini test di Chrome: via Google Operating System Google Chrome borrowed many features from other browsers: Opera’s speed dial used to show thumbnails of the most frequently visited pages, Safari’s inline find feature, Internet Explorer’s private browsing mode, Firefox’s spell checker. Google hopes that other browsers will borrow features or even code from Chrome. … Leggi tutto

Startupper olimpici

Via Cnet The 2008 Olympics in Beijing are over for Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, the founders of would-be Facebook rival ConnectU who earned spots on the U.S. rowing team. The identical twins ended up placing sixth overall in the men’s pair event; they don’t take home any medals, but it’s still a more than respectable … Leggi tutto

L’isola in collina 2008 a Ricaldone: Tenco vive

Ricaldone è un meraviglioso paesello nel Monferrato. A Ricaldone è cresciuto ed è stato seppellito Luigi Tenco. A Ricaldone è nato un museo a lui dedicato. A Ricaldone il bloggante è piovuto per caso dato che è la terra dell’amata moglie. E di Ricaldone si è innamorato da subito. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrW67O3HX48 Anche quest’anno a Ricaldone si … Leggi tutto

La bufala

Paolo Attivissimo smonta la bufala del momento: gli Mp3 con effetto allucinogeno Si trovano nei circuiti P2P file audio di questo genere. Ma sono davvero droganti? Ne ho scaricati alcuni tramite amici e li ho ascoltati in cuffia. Non hanno prodotto alcun effetto, se non quello di una notevole irritazione (in gergo tecnico, orchiclastia), perché … Leggi tutto

La morte del topo

Via itmanagement.earthweb.com:

You’re probably using a mouse today, but you may never buy one again. All the planets are aligning against this humble pointing device. The computer mouse has long been associated with the PC, but in fact it was invented during the Kennedy administration (in 1963) by Silicon Valley engineers Douglas Engelbart and Bill English.

The mouse was nothing but a lab rat until the Xerox Star shipped in 1981. Though it was the first time anyone could buy a mouse, few did. The Star was overpriced ($16,000) and poorly marketed. The IBM PC came out that year, too — without a mouse. But when the Apple Macintosh hit in January of 1984, the mouse went mainstream and has been with us ever since.

Now, Gartner analyst Steve Prentice says the mouse’s dominance as the leading pointing devices may be over within 2 to 4 years. And I tend to agree.

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Un negozio di Apple su Second Life ?

Resta la domanda: ma a che serve ad Apple un negozio su SL ?

Via MacNN

On April 17, 2008, the US Patent & Trademark Office published Apple’s patent application titled Enhancing Online Shopping Atmosphere . Apple’s patent generally relates to improving the experiences that online-shoppers may have at an online Apple Store, sometime in the future. While Apple points to the obvious advantages of shopping online, such as being continuously open for business 24/7, allowing consumers to quickly use search functions to find multiple items and of course the best of all, never having to leave the house to shop. However, Apple acknowledges that they have a long way to go before delivering a more interactive experience that could match that found in the real world. Apple’s patent points out that “one drawback of online shopping is that the experience can feel sterile and isolating. Customers in such an environment may be less likely to have positive feelings about the online shopping experience, may be less inclined to engage in the online equivalent of window shopping (e.g., will not linger in front of a display), and may ultimately spend less money than their counterparts who shop in physical stores.”

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Filtri antispam e segretarie


Mr. Arrington might be tempted to purge his inbox and start afresh — the phrase “e-mail bankruptcy” has been with us since at least 2002. But he declares e-mail bankruptcy regularly, to no avail. New messages swiftly replace those that are deleted unread.

For most of us who are not prominent bloggers, our inbox, thankfully, will never become quite so crowded, at least with nonspam messages. But it doesn’t take all that many to seem overwhelming — for me, the sight of two dozen messages awaiting individual responses makes me perspire.

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I 50 blog più potenti per il Guardian

The world’s 50 most powerful blogs. From Prince Harry in Afghanistan to Tom Cruise ranting about Scientology and footage from the Burmese uprising, blogging has never been bigger. It can help elect presidents and take down attorney generals while simultaneously celebrating the minutiae of our everyday obsessions. Here are the 50 best reasons to log … Leggi tutto

AAA Cercasi per la politica italiana

Vista l’esperienza francese e americana … Cercasi giovane avvocato meglio se di origine famigliare non italiana per srisollevare le sorti della classe politica italiana per le prossime elezioni. Astenersi perditempo e candidati con precedenti esperienze politiche, peggio se in partiti centristi o della provincia di Benevento.

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Amnesty International deplores acts of terrorism and acknowledges the right of governments to protect their citizens when they face such hostile challenges and threats. We all value our safety and that of our loved ones after all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ1NYizv2sw For too long the ‘war on terror’ has been used to justify acts of torture, ‘rendition’, discrimination … Leggi tutto