Un problema di PEC

Entro il 29 novembre 2009 gli iscritti agli Ordini professionali devono dotarsi di una casella di PEC (posta elettronica certificata), che attribuisce a un e-mail lo stesso valore di una raccomandata cartacea con ricevuta di ritorno. Gli iscritti agli Ordini dovranno comunicare il proprio indirizzo all’Ordine di competenza per un suo successivo utilizzo. L’obbligo è valido … Leggi tutto

Rifiuti Energia Acqua

Via Agora Torino Valley Agora Torino Valley presenta Rifiuti Energia Acqua, il futuro Verde del pianeta, un nuovo blog dedicato al Un blog sull’economia dell’ambiente, sul business che diventa verde, sulle energie pulite e rinnovabili, sul riuso dei rifiuti, sulla difesa e sull’utilizzo dell’acqu e delle altre risorse ambientali.

Murdoch inizia a far pagare dai contenuti mobili

Via PaidContent

The Wall Street Journal is ready to start charging for mobile access on the Blackberry and iPhone, News Corp . CEO and chairman Rupert Murdoch told attendees at the Goldman Sachs Communacopia XVIII Conference. He didn’t offer a time frame for the charges, but indicated it would it start in a few months. Further down the road, Hulu can be expected to institute some sort of pay-per-view or subscription model, Murdoch said. The details there have yet to be worked out with NBC Universal  and Disney , along with other content providers. Additionally, Murdoch expressed some displeasure with Amazon’s Kindle. He much prefers the terms with Sony, though he didn’t offer specifics. Although Amazon  hasn’t revealed its revenue split, it generally takes a 70 percent cut. (A recording of the webcast will be available here, later in the day).

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Il denaro e i blog

Daniel Lyons via Newsweek

For two years I was obsessed with trying to turn a blog into a business. I posted 10 or 20 items a day to my site, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, rarely taking a break. I blogged from cabs, using my BlackBerry. I blogged in the middle of the night, having awakened with an idea. I rationalized this insane behavior by telling myself that at the end of this rainbow I would find a huge pot of gold. But reality kept interfering with this fantasy. My first epiphany occurred in August 2007, when The New York Times ran a story revealing my identity, which until then I’d kept secret. On that day more than 500,000 people hit my site—by far the biggest day I’d ever had—and through Google’s AdSense program I earned about a hundred bucks. Over the course of that entire month, in which my site was visited by 1.5 million people, I earned a whopping total of $1,039.81. Soon after this I struck an advertising deal that paid better wages. But I never made enough to quit my day job. Eventually I shut down—not for financial reasons, but because Steve Jobs appeared to be in poor health. I walked away feeling burned out and weighing 20 pounds more than when I started. I also came away with a sneaking suspicion that while blogs can do many wonderful things, generating huge amounts of money isn’t one of them.

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