AppInventor: le applicazioni Android fai da te

Via Googleblog App Inventor is a new tool in Google Labs that makes it easy for anyone—programmers and non-programmers, professionals and students—to create mobile applications for Android-powered devices. And today, we’re extending invitations to the general public.

E’ arrivato il Tabdroid

Dopo vari ripensamenti sul cosa scegliere: se gettarsi sull’Ipad dominante media e mercato, ma terribilmente chiuso, o investire su qualcosa di alternativo e originale si è deciso di comprare un tablet cinese con sistema operativo Android, quelli che vengono definiti cloni dell’Ipad. Il tablet è arrivato. Si tratta di un Eken m003, uno dei più … Leggi tutto

Symbian diventa open source

Nokia e Symbian decidono una mossa importante per difendersi dall’aggressività di Android e Iphone (via blog Symbian)

The announcement that the Symbian platform is now wholly open source represents a unique moment for the mobile industry as a whole. The most widely distributed smartphone platform, the biggest migration from proprietary to open source software in history; delivered 4 months ahead of schedule (go to here to navigate different aspects of the open sourcing). Symbian also represents the largest addressable market for developers in mobile.
The announcement that the Symbian platform is now wholly open source represents a unique moment for the mobile industry as a whole. The most widely distributed smartphone platform, the biggest migration from proprietary to open source software in history; delivered 4 months ahead of schedule (go to here to navigate different aspects of the open sourcing). Symbian also represents the largest addressable market for developers in mobile.

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In attesa del Nexus One di Google

Oramai è chiaro: il 5 gennaio sarà presentato il nuovo e vero Google fonino.

Nel frattempo vale la pena di leggere le anteprime di Gizmodo

A tipster just sent in these Nexus One screenshots that supposedly confirms two things: that Google will sell it unlocked and unsubsidized for $530, and that Google will sell it by themselves. Plus, some other very interesting details.

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Google Phone a uso interno o no

Techrunch trova tracce in rete del vero Google phone

Last night, we started seeing some Tweets from Google employees and others about a new Android-powered Google phone that was apparently handed out at an “all hands” meeting. Now Google is confirming that it is indeed “dogfood” testing a new Android device with employees around the world.

But this isn’t just another Android phone. Very trustworthy sources who have seen the phone say that it is the Google Phone we first wrote about last month (despite the uninformed saying we were dreaming). It will be branded Google and sold by Google as an unlocked phone, which could change everything. As we wrote in our original post:

Google is building their own branded phone that they’ll sell directly and through retailers. They were long planning to have the phone be available by the holidays, but it has now slipped to early 2010. The phone will be produced by a major phone manufacturer but will only have Google branding (Microsoft did the same thing with their first Zunes, which were built by Toshiba).

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Le dimensioni della iPhone App Economy

Via GigaOm

If I were to tell you that Apple’s app economy was worth more than $2.5 $2.4 billion a year, you would laugh hysterically, shake your head and walk out of the room, yes? Surf on over to some other web site? But here I am telling you exactly that! According to mobile advertising startup AdMob, there are some $200 million worth of applications sold in Apple’s iPhone store every month, or about $2.4 billion a year. Just to put that in context, Apple says about 1.5 billion apps have been downloaded from the App Store. In comparison, the Android marketplace brings in about $5 million a month or on a run rate to do $60 million in a year, AdMob says. I bet that number rises up sharply once more handsets come to market. As you know, Motorola is announcing its new Android handsets at our Mobilize 09 conference on September 10.

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