L’albero dei tweet: Tweetree

E’ nato Tweetree un servizio che mette insieme i thread delle conversazioni per renderli più semplici da seguire

Tweetree puts your Twitter stream in a tree so you can see the posts people are replying to in context. It also pulls in lots of external content like twitpic photos, youtube videos and more, so that you can see them right in your stream without having to click through every link your friends post

Tweetree supporta anche Flickr, Youtube, Friendfeed e altri.

Come nota TechCrunch l’idea che qualcuno voglia riorganizzate i messaggi di Twitter non pare piaccia ai suoi fondatori

This was all tried before with a service called Quotably, which actually worked much better than Tweetree. Quotably is now sadly in the Deadpool. Quotably was a good way to track conversations on Twitter, but it too had its problems keeping up.

The fact is that Twitter purposefully doesn’t want users to be able to track conversations. The content begins and ends with a discreet Twitter message, up to 140 characters long. Competitor Friendfeed does a nice job of tracking conversations by letting users reply to actual messages, not just users. Twitter, for whatever reason (possibly to keep things simple), just doesn’t want that. And until they do, nothing is going to change.

UPDATE: ora c’è anche twithority