Il real time search di Google anche in Italia

Via Google cambia faccia: da oggi anche in Italia sarà possibile usare il motore di ricerca più famoso del mondo per rovistare tra le conversazioni in tempo reale che avvengono sulle pagine pubbliche di Facebook, Twitter e gli altri social network. La funzione di “Real Time Search”, lanciata a dicembre negli Stati Uniti e … Leggi tutto

Google Buzz, più Friendfeed che Twitter o Facebook, con il pregio della geolocalizzazione

twitter friendfeed facebookGoogle ha lanciato Google Buzz il suo servizio sociale con l’evidente obiettivo di contrastare la crescita degli altri competitor come Facebook e Twitter. Era da un po’ che ci si stupiva che BigG non riuscisse ad inventarsene una delle sue per colonizzare appieno il mondo dei social network. Anche se è presto per fare analisi e in queste ore sta avvenendo la migrazione degli account Gmail che piano piano si trovano anche Buzz disponibile sembra che  siamo di fronte a un servizio con ottime chances di successo.Google hanno scelto pragmaticamente di interpretare un adagio semplice: se non hai una buona idea, copiala !

Google Buzz sembra moltissimo a Friendfeed con in più tutta la facilità del mondo Google. La scelta strategica però appare sensata: obiettivo primario puntare all’utilità d’uso del servizio.

I media tradizionali da tempo stanno facendo da grancassa dei successi di Twitter e Facebook, inducendo aziende e cittadini a sbarcare su questi con risultati altalenanti. Oramai piccole e grandi aziende, giornali, enti, associazioni, circoli ricreativi, bocciofile e altro ancora si sono aperti un account Twitter che mediamente usano come megafono delle loro attività o spesso come piccolo, grande strumento di spam veicolando link alle loro risorse web, sperando che i followers  visitino le pagine in questione. Agli estremi opposti Facebook è diventato la sarabanda globale con di tutto di più, un media in cui il rapporto segnale-rumore si fa bassissimo e la confusione sovrana da megalopoli ipertrafficata è il pane quotidiano.

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Google Wave è il futuro, Google Buzz è il presente

Via TechCrunch

Google has a problem. Despite having their hands in just about everything online, they’ve never been able to tackle what is a key part of the fabric of the web: social. Yes, they have Orkut and OpenSocial, but no one actually uses them. Okay, some people use them, but not in the meaningful social ways that people use Facebook or even Twitter. Today, Google may have just solved their social problem.

Google Buzz is easily the company’s boldest attempt yet to build a social network. Imagine taking elements of Twitter, Yammer, Foursquare, Yelp, and other social services, and shoving them together into one package. Now imagine covering that package in a layer that looks a lot like FriendFeed. Now imagine shoving that package inside of Gmail. That’s Buzz. If Google Wave is the future, Google Buzz is the present.

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Google Buzz, l’anti Twitter di BigG

Via Googleblog

Google Buzz is a new way to start conversations about the things you find interesting. It’s built right into Gmail, so you don’t have to peck out an entirely new set of friends from scratch — it just works. If you think about it, there’s always been a big social network underlying Gmail. Buzz brings this network to the surface by automatically setting you up to follow the people you email and chat with the most. We focused on building an easy-to-use sharing experience that richly integrates photos, videos and links, and makes it easy to share publicly or privately (so you don’t have to use different tools to share with different audiences). Plus, Buzz integrates tightly with your existing Gmail inbox, so you’re sure to see the stuff that matters most as it happens in real time.

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L’anti Twitter di Google per Gmail

Il WSJ ha lanciato la notizia

Google Inc. is taking a swipe at Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. with a new feature that makes it easier for users of Gmail to view media and status updates shared online by their friends.

Google could announce the new Gmail feature as soon as this week, said people familiar with the matter. A Google spokeswoman declined to comment.

The change adds a module to the Gmail screen that will display a stream of updates from individuals a user chooses to connect with, said one of these people. It is a format popularized by Facebook and Twitter.

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Finestre rotte da cui entra aria freddina


The company’s chief executive, Steve Ballmer, has continued to deliver huge profits. They totaled well over $100 billion in the past 10 years alone and help sustain the economies of Seattle, Washington State and the nation as a whole. Its founder, Bill Gates, is not only the most generous philanthropist in history, but has also inspired thousands of his employees to give generously themselves. No one in his right mind should wish Microsoft failure.

And yet it is failing, even as it reports record earnings. As the fellow who tried (and largely failed) to make tablet PCs and e-books happen at Microsoft a decade ago, I could say this is because the company placed too much faith in people like me. But the decline is so broad and so striking that it would be presumptuous of me to take responsibility for it.

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Le scimmiette sociali e gli esperimenti poco scientifici

Via GigaOm

Why do so many journalists and traditional media outlets see social media services like Twitter and Facebook as a threat? Maybe it’s a result of too many breathless headlines about how they’re going to replace traditional journalism (headlines that mostly appear in traditional media outlets, but don’t get me started on that).
Now a group of journalists has apparently agreed to “prove” how useless these tools are by locking themselves in a farmhouse for five days and reporting only news they receive through Twitter and Facebook.

To make matters worse, the journalists in question won’t be able to use the web to follow any of the links they get through Twitter or Facebook, or verify any of the news that’s reported — they will apparently have to write based on just the information coming in through those two networks. This is like giving a journalist a phone and telling them they can only report information from incoming calls, but no dialing of their own.

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Come mi gira: MyMood

E’ stata lanciata la beta di  MioMood un nuovo servizio che permette di descrivere velocemente agli amici come va l’umore. Ovviamente il tutto può essere gestito anche attraverso il pervasivo Facebook. I vari mood possonono essere storicizzati o anche mappati su una carta geografica. Fra un po’ arriverà anche l’applicazione per Iphone. Per aggiornamenti MioMood … Leggi tutto