Un account Gmail diventa un OpenID

Anche Google dopo Yahoo e Microsoft aderisce a OpenId Via Google code blog In September we announced some research that we shared as part of an effort by the OpenID community to evaluate the user experience of federated login. Other companies like Yahoo have also published their user research. Starting today, we are providing limited … Leggi tutto

Who is Joe the Plumber ?

Via Techcrunch Right after each Presidential Debate both sides and all the big news organizations immediately conduct polls to determine how each candidate did and which issues resonated the most with voters. It is an expensive process that keeps an entire cottage industry of pollsters in business. But one of the best forms of instant … Leggi tutto

I dolori dei Google people

Via Techcrunch The entire stock market is taking another drubbing today, and Google is no exception. Its shares tried to rally in the morning, but are now trading below the $329 they closed at yesterday. That’s a key price level Google employees are watching because a huge chunk of their options (1.7 million across the … Leggi tutto

Il Chrome che avanza

Via Blog Webnews A distanza di pochi giorni dal lancio del browser di casa, Google Analytics ha compreso Chrome tra i browser presi in considerazione tra le statistiche ed è dunque ora possibile valutare in che misura il navigatore è stato adottato dall’utenza (particolarmente “avanzata”, va detto) del nostro sito. Altro che l’1% stimato a … Leggi tutto

Il progetto Tutto

Via Scene Digitali Google è nato esattamente dieci anni fa, a Menlo Park.  A dieci anni di distanza nulla potrebbe essere più significativo che il lancio del Google Chrome Project. E’  il “progetto tutto”: un programma guscio, conchiglia, nel quale ci sarà spazio per tutto ciò che fa la nostra vita quotidiana a contatto con … Leggi tutto

The Windows Killer

Google Chrome secondo Techcrunch Make no mistake. The cute comic book and the touchy-feely talk about user experience is little more than a coat of paint on top of a monumental hatred of Microsoft. Chrome, the Webkit-based Google browser that launches tomorrow at Google.com/chrome, will give them a real foothold on the desktop and way … Leggi tutto

Amazon acquista Shelfari

Via Visionpost Acquisito il social network per amanti dei libri. Tre settimane fa il colosso di Jeff Bezos aveva messo le mani anche su Library Things, il principale competitor di Shelfari. Ora si ritrova con due servizi simili tra le mani. Grandi manovre all’ombra dei social-network per gli appassionati di libri. Nell’ultimo mese Amazon è … Leggi tutto

A Digital Bill Of Rights

Via Techcrunch
As the Democrats and Republicans gather at their national conventions, it is time to really think about a comprehensive national technology policy for the Internet Age. Many laws and policies governing the Internet and digital property are inadequate attempts to transplant rules from a different era.

The problems that arise are not just about Net Neutrality (see Comcast) or copyright infringement or digital privacy. They are about all of these things. What we need is a Digital Bill of Rights that spells out what freedoms and rights consumers can expect from Internet service providers, content companies, device manufacturers, and the government itself.

Both Presidential candidates have already outlined their technology platforms. (Obama did so last year; McCain only got around to unveiling a formal tech policy earlier this month. Both Obama and McCain also spoke to TechCrunch about their thoughts on tech policy during the primaries). But McCain’s technology platform is a bit vague, and Obama’s choice of tech-challenged Joe Biden as his running mate is not exactly a confidence builder. The fact is that nobody in either party has pulled together a focused set of principles that can truly guide both lawmakers and policymakers.

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Il silenzioso decollo del Kindle

Luca Castelli su Lastampa.it Duecentoquarantamila. E’ il numero di lettori Kindle che, secondo il blog TechCrunch, Amazon ha venduto nei primi nove mesi dal lancio del prodotto. Tradotto in soldoni: dagli 86 ai 96 milioni di dollari di ricavi (a seconda che si consideri il prezzo iniziale di 399 dollari o quello primaverile di 359), … Leggi tutto

Cuil, il nuovo anti Google ?

Via Techcrunch

Menlo Park based Cuil will launch later this evening with an index of 120 billion web pages, making them arguably the most comprehensive search engine on the web (Google doesn’t disclose the size of their index, although they claim to know about a trillion unique web pages) (Update: see our very early testing here). They’ve also dropped one of the “l’s” from their name – previously the company was “Cuill.” Either way, it’s pronounced “cool.”

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