Un tabletpc open source da 200 dollari

Techrunch lancia un progetto interessante … il computer low cost è un fenomeno inarrestabile I’m tired of waiting – I want a dead simple and dirt cheap touch screen web tablet to surf the web. Nothing fancy like the Dell latitude XT, which costs $2,500. Just a Macbook Air-thin touch screen machine that runs Firefox … Leggi tutto

L’Obama pensiero sulla tecnologia

Via Techcrunch Senator Barack Obama (official site), who’s polling a strong second in New Hampshire, is the next presidential candidate to step up and answer our technology-related policy questions. The score card is now even, with two democrat (Obama and Edwards) and two republican (Romney and McCain) candidates. Last week Senator Obama released a position … Leggi tutto

Un Commodore 64 per Twitter.com ?

Techcrunch pone domande sulle risorse techiche di Twitter perennemente semi down … Is it true that you only have a single master MySQL server running replication to two slaves, and the architecture doesn’t auto-switch to a hot backup when the master goes down? Do you really have a grand total of three physical database machines … Leggi tutto

Microsoft riparte all’assalto (più soft) di Yahoo

Microsoft ha reso noto di avere avviato trattative alternative con  Yahoo che non prevedono il totale acquisto della società. Microsoft non ha intenzione di presentare una nuova offerta per rilevare tutta la società, ma si riserva il diritto di riconsiderare tale possibilità in base a futuri sviluppi e trattative con Yahoo o con i suoi … Leggi tutto

Riciclare il lavoro intellettuale delle startup fallite

Jaisen Mathai, uno sviluppatore di Yahoo si chiede che si può fare con il prodotto intellettuale delle startup fallite per aiutare la comunità

It’s inevitable that all startups won’t be successful. In fact it’s a very small percentage which do. This begs the question of what you do with the intellectual property that has been accumulated. Let’s assume that your startup didn’t amass a substantial enough user base to be considered a valuable asset. Let’s also assume that all you have left is some sort of technology which for whatever reason didn’t fulfill the goals of the creators. What can be done with the intellectual property assets?

Michael Harrington su Techcrunch propone di rendere tutto disponibile con una licenza Creative Commons

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Bicchiere mezzo vuoto o mezzo pieno ?

Via Techcrunch in attesa di capire come reagirà la borsa americana (male ?) The most notable news this Sunday is what didn’t happen – no Yahoo/Google search deal was announced, meaning there is literally nothing standing between Yahoo and the unholy beating it is going to take when the markets open tomorrow morning. Yahoo CEO … Leggi tutto

Live Mesh

Microsoft ha lanciato la tecnologia Live Mesh che mette insieme foto, documenti e altri dati relativi ad una persona disseminati su diversi device, con l’obiettivo di consentire l’accesso alle proprie informazioni da qualunque luogo e in qualunque momento. Live Mesh di Microsoft utilizza Internet come punto di raccolta dati, sincronizza i file attraverso computer, telefoni … Leggi tutto

Fiumi di parole: continua la saga Microsoft – Yahoo

Giornate di lettere fitte fitte , inviate a mezzo stampa da Microsoft a Yahoo e viceversa per tentare di venire a capo del tentativo di acquisizione più importante dell’internet degli ultimi anni

Prima Microsoft scrive a Yahoo

It has now been more than two months since we made our proposal to acquire Yahoo! at a 62% premium to its closing price on January 31, 2008, the day prior to our announcement. Our goal in making such a generous offer was to create the basis for a speedy and ultimately friendly transaction. Despite this, the pace of the last two months has been anything but speedy.

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Le Vip hightech aiutano McCain

Via TechCrunch Senator McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, has twice this month embraced technology leaders in his push to become president. On March 7 Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard, joined the Republican National Committee as Victory Chairman. And this last weekend Meg Whitman, the outgoing CEO of Ebay, became McCain’s campaign co-chair. … Leggi tutto

Il blog fa bene alla vita sociale

Via Techcrunch A new study has found Bloggers are better adjusted and live healthier, happier social lives. The research, from Swinburne University of Technology found that “people felt they had better social support and friendship networks than those who did not blog” after a two month blogging period when compared to people who do not … Leggi tutto