Twitter boom

Via Techcrunch If it seems like Twitter is growing faster and faster each day, that is because it is. ComScore has released its March numbers for the U.S., and it estimates that unique visitors to grew 131 percent between February and March to 9.3 million visitors. No wonder Twitter is more popular than Britney. … Leggi tutto

1 milione di dollari per un account twitter

Via Silicon Alley Insider Hard to believe, but the CNN Twitter account racing Ashton Kutcher to 1 million subscribers wasn’t even under CNN’s (TWX) control until recently. CNN confirms that it has has taken control of the @cnnbrk account — and its 944,000 followers. CNN didn’t disclose any financial details, but said it’s been working … Leggi tutto

Un direttore con la rete aperta e attiva

De Bortoli nel suo discorso di “insediamento” E allora vi dev’essere una ragione profonda che lega il lettore al proprio quotidiano. E questa ragione sta nella qualità e nella credibilità dell’informazione. Nella capacità del giornale di rappresentare la comunità a cui si rivolge. Di rappresentarla e di difenderla nei suoi bisogni, persino nelle sue paure, … Leggi tutto

Twitter acquista Google

Stiamo usando il tempo presente perchè se il management di Twitter non vende è fatto da temerari. Here’s a heck of a rumor that we’ve sourced from two separate people close to the negotiations: Google is in late stage negotiations to acquire Twitter. We don’t know the price but can assume its well, well north … Leggi tutto

La nascita di Twitter

Via 140 Characters

twitter-logoWe struggled with a codename and a product name. “It’s FriendStalker!” joked @Crystal, our most prolific user. The userbase was limited entirely to the company and our immediate family. No one from a major company of any kind was allowed in. For months, we were in Top Secret Alpha because of competing products like the now-defunkt Dodgeball. We operated using a “long code”, or a full 10-digit phone number linked to a small-potatoes gateway. The original product name / codename “twttr” was inspired by Flickr and the fact that American SMS shortcodes are five characters. We prototyped with “89887? as our shortcode. We later changed to “40404? for ease of use and memorability. Twttr probably had about 50 users in the long code days.

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Il World Economic Forum sempre più social network

Il World Economic Forum ha lanciato i Davos Debates su YouTube. L’iniziativa nasce con l’intento di creare un momento di libera discussione sullo stato del mondo, a cui chiunque potrà fornire il proprio contributo mediante la realizzazione di video. QuelIi migliori saranno mostrati durante il Forum, mentre la persona che presenterà il video più significativo … Leggi tutto